The divinity in a craving.
Lean into your discomfort…..
Our body speaks to us in mysterious ways. Are you ready to listen?
A common issue I help my clients work through is food cravings. People struggling with food cravings typically feel frustrated, angry, and during the worst times, terrified. Food cravings can bring on a sense of loss of control, and uncertainty, especially if we are aiming to change our eating habits or lose weight.
The typical response to food cravings often involves criticizing oneself for having the craving, and the criticism and self-loathing can get worse if that food craving is succumb to.
When we experience discomfort, leaning into it and embracing it is often what is required to move past it. When we lean into discomfort, we often find hidden opportunities to learn more about ourselves.
I like to think of cravings as messages from our body telling us what we need most. Our bodies are intuitive and they know what they need, it’s up to us to listen.
If you struggle with food cravings, the next time you have a craving, instead of going down the usual path of criticizing yourself, could you be curious instead?
Could you ask yourself:
“What is my body asking for?”,
“Why is my body asking for this?”
“Is there something I haven’t given myself that my body needs?”
Normally cravings come as a result of not giving our body enough of something, whether it is calories overall, or protein, carbohydrate, or fat. The particular food you are craving is a big clue in figuring out what you need more of. As an example, typically, when my clients are craving sweet foods, I find that they are often restricting carbohydrates.
This work is not easy, and can be difficult to do on your own. I help people through these such issues in my nutrition counselling. If you are struggling with food cravings, don’t face this on your own. Help is just a message away.
Your Mindful Dietitian
“You can do anything, you just have to put your mind to it!”